Building New Generation Web Applications

Seminer / Bilişim

11 Mart 2015, Çarşamba

13:30 - 16:30


Katılım Formu

Etkinlik Detayları

In this seminar we will demonstrate you how to develop modern web applications using a combination of Html5 and JQuery technologies. You will learn how to apply these various techniques to create modern client side web applications that use the power of the client via the rich document object model and the JavaScript runtime environment the browser provides.



  1. Modern Web Application Design Strategies
  2. JavaScriptMVC and SPA Concerns
  3. HTML5 Principles
  4. Developing Client-Side web applications with JavaScript MVC Frameworks
    • JQuery
    • AngularJS
    • Bootstrap
  5. Server-Side
    • Restful APIs-JAXRS
    • JSON, JSON Mapping

Tarih:11 Mart 2015 / 13:30-16:30Yer:

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Ayazağa Kampüsü
ARI-3 Teknokent Konferans Salonu

(İstinye Park karşısındaki bina)

Konuşmacı: Esma Meral

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Bu etkinliğin süresi geçmiş
İTÜ ARI-3 Teknokent Konferans Salonu
İstanbul / Şişli / MASLAK
İTÜ Ayazağa Kampüsü
Etkinlik Konuları